Who Do You Know Who Has a Book Inside They’d Like to Get OUT!
Most everyone has a book inside them, but not everyone has the training and skill to write their story in a compelling, page turning way. Do you know someone with an impressive story who would benefit from help getting their book out?
Tell them about me If they hire me, you earn a 5% referral fee. Maybe they have already written their story, but don’t know what to do next, they can benefit from a Manuscript Evaluation. Maybe they’d like their story professionally written for them. I can Ghostwrite their story for them.
Like any art: painting – sculpting – music – dance, writing requires training.
How is it if someone describes a spectacular sunset, the automatic response is not: “Wow! You ought to paint a picture of that.” But if it is a story of an incredible life experience, the automatic response is often: “Wow, you should write a book!” as if there is no skill or training required.
Anyone wanting to learn to write with skill will have no difficulty finding teachers, classes, or writer’s groups. Google search for writing groups in your area. Check out meetup.com. The local community college, or local library may have writing classes. There are plenty of online classes as well.
For those whose desire is not to devote their time to learning to write, but do want their story told, having it ghostwritten is a good solution.
When you refer someone, sent me a message letting me know their name. If they become a client you will receive a 5% referral fee for every book I write for them. (It is not unusual for people to realize they have more than one story to tell.)
Questions? Contact me.
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